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traduce / translate / traducction
In My Life - Lennon/McCartney
In my life
By John Lennon and Paul McCartney
There are places i´ll remember,
All my life
Though some have changed.
Some forever, not for better;
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends i still can recall.
Some are dead and some are living,
In my live i've loved them all.
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you.
And these mem´ries lose their meaning
When i think of love as something new.
Tho' i know i´ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know i´ll often stop and think about them.
In my life i love you more.
Tho' i know i´ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know i´ll often stop and think about them.
In my life i love you more.
In my life
I love you more.
© Northern Songs Ltd.
En la meva vida
Per John Lennon i Paul McCartney
Hi ha llocs que recordaré,
Tota la meva vida
Encara que alguns han canviat.
Alguns per sempre, no per a millor;
Alguns han marxat i altres encara existeixen.
Tots aquests llocs tenen els seus moments
Amb amants i amistats que encara puc recordar.
Alguns han mort i altres viuen,
En la meva vida els he estimat a tots.
Però de tots aquests amics i amistats
No hi ha ningú que pugui comparar amb tu.
I aquests records perden sentit
Quan penso en l'amor com en un fet nou.
Encara que sé que mai no perdré l'afecte
Per a les persones i les coses que vaig estimar abans,
Sé que sovint pararé i pensaré en elles.
En la vida us estimo més.
Encara que sé que mai no perdré l'afecte
Per a les persones i les coses que vaig estimar abans,
Sé que sovint pararé i pensaré en elles.
En la vida us estimo més.
En la vida
Us estimo més.
© Northern Songs Ltd
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